I can't believe it! After all that waiting, he finally arrived. We
couldn't be more in love with him. Roman Adriano was born on September
29th at 11:38 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 13 ounces and 22
1/2 inches long. After the doctor talked about inducing I thought for
sure I was going to be pregnant for at least another week. But at that
visit she also stripped my membranes and I really think that got things
jump started. If you don't want to read the whole long birth story you
can skip to the end and just look at pictures :)
Birth Story
started cramping and having mild back pain on Friday. By Saturday
afternoon around 4/5 o'clock I started having contractions. They were
10-20 minutes apart. So nothing too regular to call the doctor about.
Nevertheless I still got things ready for the hospital and had my mom
braid my hair up. I knew I didn't want it in my face just in case I did
go into labor. I tried going to bed Saturday night but the
contractions were keeping me up. So I sat up downstairs bouncing on my
exercise ball, laying on the floor and timing the contractions. Finally
around 5:30/6 am the contractions were about 5 minutes apart and the
intensity was definitely picking up. I went upstairs and told Mike, took
a shower and we got ready to go. We arrived at the hospital and I got
checked into triage. I was only dilated 3 centimeters but since I was
four days overdue and the contractions were consistent they decided to
admit me. At ten that morning the doctor broke my water. The intensity
of the contractions picked up after that, so I asked for some
morphine. I was doing all I could to avoid an epidural. I wanted to
stay mobile as long as possible. I also asked for intermittent fetal
monitoring so I could get out of bed and walk around the room. Well
around 3ish the morphine started wearing off. The intensity of the
contractions was indescribable. I was literally crying and doubled over
in pain. I tried all the techniques for natural birthing but nothing
helped. So finally caved and got the epidural. The anesthesiologist
who gave me the epidural was good but also a brute. He said okay I'm
going to have put you in this position and you cant move. So while I'm
having these excruciating contractions he flips me over into a fetal
position and bends me into a C which hurt like crazy. But once he
administered the epidural I didn't care. Finally the pain was gone! I
actually was able to nap for a couple hours. At 5 o'clock they checked
and I was only dilated 5 centimeters :p So the doctor said okay we
need to start her on the pitocin. So the two things I didn't want, an
epidural and pitocin I got. But you know what, whatever needed to be
done to get the baby out. I was ready to have him. From that point
things really picked up, by ten o'clock I was ten centimeters and ready
to start pushing. Even though I had an epidural I could still feel the
contractions since they picked up in intensity. An hour and half of
pushing and the nurse said, ok we need to call the doctor. The baby was
right there but his big ol' head just wasn't coming through. The doctor
said I needed an episiotomy, ugh. Well once that happened Mr. Roman
was here in a few more pushes. He had his cord wrapped around his neck
which meant I didn't get to hold him right away. He had to go straight
to the warming table and the nurses were working on him for a few
minutes. But once they had him stable they placed him in my arms. I
started bawling the moment he was born. I couldn't believe this little
life I had been carrying for 9+ months was finally here. During that
whole time Mike was right by my side. He did amazing, helping me the
whole time, never complaining, telling me I was doing a great job. I'm
so fortunate to have him in my life. We are so proud and happy to have
Roman here with us. So that in a nutshell was how our day went. Here
are some photos and I can't wait for Roman to meet all our family and
Not in the mood for a photo |
A few minutes old |
Finally get to hold my baby |
Proud papa |
Our family |