Saturday we went to the beach and hung out with some new friends.
Sunday we drove down to Key West. Boy let me tell you, it was soo hot! I've never been that hot in my life. I had sweat rolling down my back and my underwear was soaked (I know TMI but that's how bad it was).
But it was nice and I'm glad we went.
Two weeks later we had our assembly in Winston-Salem. It was very refreshing and much needed spiritual encouragement. I especially liked the audio drama on Friday and the symposium on Sunday. I need to get my notes out and go over the information to keep it fresh in my memory.
Wednesday following the assembly we flew out to Las Vegas for our annual family get together. Always a good time to be had :) That night we went to the Venetian and saw Rita Rudner. She was very funny. Thursday Mike hung out with the boys and I was with my aunt Nancy. It was nice to just chill. Friday we were tourists and went to the Pawn Stars pawn shop near the strip. We had to actually wait in line to go in the store.
I didn't think it would be that popular. But twas fun and we saw one of the "stars" from the show, Rick. I didn't think to take a picture of him, oh well. We also had foot massages in Chinatown.
I could tell Eddie and my mom got really good massages, my guy was like yah whatever. Oh well $20 down the drain :p After that we went to our fave bar in Vegas at the Venetian. I don't know what it is but we love that place.
The bartender made me a drink called a chocolate cake, not a shot but a drink. It tasted just like chocolate batter it was sooo good. After that we went home and bummed around the house till about 8pm and went to the yard house. I had been dying to go there ever since I saw pics of my cousins there, I was so envious.
So I got my 1/2 yard beer, delish! Saturday we went hiking at Mt. Zion National Park. It was really pretty, I wish we had more time.
Sunday it was family day and Monique made her famous nachos. Stuffed my self silly on those nachos. I've already requested her to make them when we go to the beach next month ;)
So though Vegas would be our last trip but then on Sunday July 31st Mike's sister called and said she was in labor. So we flew up to PA to be with her, of course we arrived after the baby was born, darn those delays! She is adorable! 7 lbs 2 oz, Patricia Myrnalucia.
So we arrived home yesterday and I am ready to stay put till we go to the beach. So that was our busy month of July. I wonder what the rest of the year holds?
Sounds like a very busy blast!! Love the pics and that drink is HUGE! :)
Sounds fun! But it made me feel tired reading, hehe. :)
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