Well, mister Dominic has been here a little over two weeks. I really thought he was going to come early. Then once my due date passed I figured he would be like Roman a couple days late. But time kept on dragging and he literally made no moves to get out. I never felt contractions, braxton hicks, nothing. He just chilled in my tummy and kept getting bigger and bigger. So when my doctor scheduled an induction for ten days past due I was like I won't get that far along, yah right. So here's Mr. Dominic's birth story.
I woke up Monday, June 22nd very nervous. I read online about inductions and some people said they hurt worse, the labor dragged on forever and a lot of times they end in c-sections since the baby gets distressed. I had to stop reading because the stories were stressing me out. Also, getting stressed because the baby wasn't moving as much as before but since there was very little space in there that made sense. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30am. This time we signed in, the nurse took us to my room and got me all hooked up on the machines. Surprisingly she told me once I was hooked up that I was having regular contractions. They were so mild I couldn't even feel them. So she started me on pitocin to pick things up around 9:00am. I tell you what I was having a pretty good morning. Joking around with the nurse, talking to Mike. At 11:30 my mom and Sharon arrived. We were all having a good ol' time catching up. Meanwhile the nurse keeps turning up my dose every 1/2 hour. Finally at 1:30 I started feeling the contractions. At 2:00 I had to ask the nurse to give me some pain meds. No more joking around anymore, time to get serious. Even though I was still able to hold a conversation in between contractions. Then at 3:00 all bets were off, all I can focus on is the pain and I'm telling my new nurse (the really nice one had a shift change, so I got this non friendly one, who I really didn't like. I told Mike after I get the epidural to ask for a new nurse but...) that I need an epidural. So she goes about ordering it and getting the Doctor up there to administer the dose, shot, needle or whatever you call it. He was really nice compared the brute I had with Roman. As soon as he is done, I swear I have to go the bathroom. I'm still in pain, and this urge is unreal. Finally the nurse checks me and is like, oh, you are fully dilated. Well lady, maybe you should've checked before I got the epidural. So they bring this whole team in. Because when my doctor broke my water earlier they detected meconium so the baby was going to have to be checked right away and have his airways cleared so he didn't aspirate it into his lungs. This was a bummer for Mike because once again he couldn't cut the cord. They had me start pushing right away. Now because I got the epidural so late I wasn't completely numb, I couldn't feel the contractions but I could definitely feel the baby and all that wonderful pain. This time I actually was yelling, Mike said I told the nurses and doctor to just pull the baby out. I mean he was right there why couldn't they pull him out? Right? So a quick 30 minutes of pushing and he was out at 4:51pm. Just like Roman he had the cord wrapped around his neck. I don't know what's up with my kids doing that. Such a relief to finally get him out. While they are working on him the doctor is checking on me. My placenta didn't want to detach so when it finally came out I was bleeding really bad and had massive clots. I had to go on antibiotics to make sure I didn't get an infection. So that was it, Mr. Dominic's birth story. The induction wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and other than getting an unnecessary epidural it went really well. Here some pictures from that day.
Before gong to the hospital |
So tired |
Proud papa |
9.4 lbs, 22 1/2 inches long |
Welcome to the world, little boy, we love you. |
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