Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Time keeps marching on

I looked at my blog and I realized I haven't posted since March.  That's just awful.  I've thought about posts and what to write and just as quickly the idea disappears.  Some things seem redundant if I post again.  A lot of what we do day to day is the same and doesn't seem post worthy.  I had to scroll back through my photos to see what we've done since March.  Me and my mom took the boys to the beach back in April all the way down in Florida.  We had a super fun time, just sight seeing, chilling and meeting up with friends.  I wish all vacations were that relaxing.  Not to mention the boys absolutely loved the water and the beaches near Saint Augustine are superb.

Lots of trips to the park, shopping and Target.  Me and Mike took off for a quick weekend to Barcelona, while fun, was exhausting.  The food was amazing.  Let's see that brings us almost into summer, more trips to the park, lots of water activities either pool or splashpads.  My grandmother Martinez passed away end of May and almost the whole family on my mom's side converged in Oxnard to celebrate her life.  It was nice seeing everyone even though it was a sad occasion.  Back home, more of the same, trip to Durham and day at the beach with the fam, Regional Convention in Greenville, weekend in DC for a race with my cousins.  That brings us to August, lazy summer days, movies in the park, trips to the library and Ikea.  So that's what we've been up too.

Boys are doing good, getting big.  Roman likes to build things and redesign whatever he's building.  He's currently obsessed with Angry Birds.  Why can't he be obsessed with an educational game?  Dominic has a great imagination, he'll be flying his plane making plane noise, or marching to something, talking on the phone (if its a real phone or a remote it doesn't matter), walking around playing his guitar.  He still loves to laugh and give kisses and hugs.  They are both super active and when they get going are completely wild and loud.  Eh but whatever, you are only a kid once.  Roman is going to be four soon and I can see the difference between him and Dominic.  Its so nice having a kid who understands what you are saying and mostly listens.  I say mostly because, c'mon, he's still Roman and he still does his silent protest of laying on the ground and not moving or taking off at high speed into a roped off area because hey its roped off lets check it out.  Dominic has a great high pitch cry he likes to do when something isn't going his way.  I can't wait for this phase to pass.  But then again they are growing fast.  Roman now has a big boy bed and we took the crib rail off Dominic's bed converting it into a toddler bed.  :(  No more babies in our house, just a toddler and a little boy.  Even on the days when they are driving me crazy at the end of the day I love them so much and just give them hugs and kisses even though Roman says ewww stop mommy.

Anyways, here's a video from our summer.  Enjoy!

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Wow! It's been how long?

Where has the time gone?  I really haven't posted on here for over a year?  The kids are so much bigger now and so much has changed.  I ...