...to the due date that is, but that really doesn't mean a thing. According to my books and online perusing, most first pregnancies go over 40 weeks. I will most likely be here at this stage for a while, just waiting. Currently I'm 39 weeks with 6 more days to go. The doctor yesterday said everything is going fine. Baby's heartbeat is nice and strong at 148. He's dropped the tinniest amount, he's now at station -3 instead of -5, :p whoopie-doo! Only dilated 1cm, which is what I was at last week. Doctor even stripped the membranes a little and that did nothing for me, not even one contraction. I went and had a pedi after and still nothing. Little guy is snug as a bug in a rug. I had a feeling that he would either come at 38 weeks or 41 weeks. Obviously he's not here yet, so I guess it's going to be 41 weeks. At this point I feel like I have pregnant forever, blah. And yes, I know, he'll come out when he's ready, so people don't have to keep telling me that. Its really annoying for some reason. Also annoying, my coworkers and boss asking me every single day, How are you feeling? Ready for that baby? You feel any changes like its getting ready? What are you still doing here?

Umm I feel the same as I did yesterday, if I felt bad I wouldn't be here. No, I'm not ready for the baby, I want to be pregnant forever. Since you want an update on any changes, I'll let you know when my water breaks. I'm still here cause I need money, duh :p So glad I only have one more week to go then I'm off on maternity leave. I can do it! And I'm really not ornery and grouchy all the time I just write these posts at work when I'm at my most irritated. I'm generally very pleasant to be around. At least I think I am ;)
Generally speaking this week has been pretty good. Still tired all the time, I can nap anywhere at this point. I'm getting plenty of sleep at night but its probably not quality sleep since Mike says I make a lot of noise all night long. And rolling over I totally look like a turtle, sometimes it takes several tries. Its not just the big belly but the pain in my pelvis. Its actually clicks when I move, that's disturbing. On the upside, I'm so glad it cooled down this week, I actually walked across campus a couple times enjoying the lovely fall like weather.
As far as getting ready for baby, I don't think we have anything left to do. The nursery is completely finished, I hung up the last two pictures on Monday, yay!
Mike already has his hospital bag packed and I have mine mostly packed. Some stuff I can't put in there until we are getting ready to leave for the hospital. Mike wants to install the car seats this weekend, especially the one that has the base and practice with the straps and all that jazz. I think we have done all we can to prepare, we are just waiting at this point.
We have another busy weekend planned, going to our friends baby shower on Saturday. People are telling me I need to dance at the party to get the labor going. I'll let you know next week if that works ;) So anyways, I can't think of anything else, till next week! This picture brought to you by Amber since she wanted a bump update.
Last pregnant photo maybe? Nahhh |